
5 Ways Nonprofits Can Effectively Engage Employees and Volunteers

“Mission matters. The people behind the mission also matter, and their passion for the mission can never be taken for granted.”  [from Share of Mind, Share of Heart: Marketing Tools of Engagement for Nonprofits.]                                       

This is why engaging staff members and volunteers involves special care beyond just a “recruit ‘em & recognize ‘em” approach.

How do nonprofit leaders and managers effectively attract, develop, and retain talent? They succeed by intentionally creating a positive workplace culture. Here’s how.

1. Learn about your employees and volunteers: who they are, their interest in serving your organization, and their expectations of working with you. Ask them:

  • What appealed to you to join our organization?
  • What inspires you most about being here?
  • What do you expect to give and get from serving as an employee or volunteer?
  • Would you recommend this organization to others?

Also conduct exit interviews with people who voluntarily leave your organization so you can learn more about their employee or volunteer experience.

2. Clarify and clearly communicate what your organization expects from its staff and volunteers and what they can expect from you. Be honest about what everyone’s commitment entails.

3. Provide the necessary tools and information people need to best serve your nonprofit. This includes orientation and training; sharing the mission, vision, strategic plans, and goals; program overviews and updates; etc. Also consider how operational or policy changes may impact staff and volunteer efforts, and communicate any changes and the rationale behind them in a timely manner.

4. Recognize and acknowledge your employees’ and volunteers’ value. While designated “holidays” like Employee Appreciation Day and National Volunteer Week provide an opportunity to celebrate the people who serve your organization, it’s important to let them know they’re appreciated throughout the year.

5. Proactively listen to your staff and volunteers – ask for their feedback and ideas – and respond appropriately.

Nonprofit employees and volunteers are precious resources. Treat them carefully and with the respect they deserve.


Keep This in Mind When You’re Planning to Restructure

The Reorganization
by David Zinger

They moved us,
yet we were not moved.

They changed us,
yet we remained the same.

Boxes on pyramidal charts
yanked off the shelf
like Cheerios from a grocery store.

They morphed us
into a matrix.
Duties reassigned as we searched
for our coffee mug that failed to move with us.

They pushed.
We stiffened.
Memos menaced as washroom whispers hissed.

Bounce back.
Start over.
Invite us.
Involve us.
Trust us.

We move together,
not chess pieces at war
checking each other into corners,
we play on the same board.

– From David Zinger’s book of poems on workplace engagement, Assorted Zingersillustrated by cartoonist John Junson.





After Onboarding, How to Prevent the Descent into Disengagement

New employees are easy to engage given the fair amount of attention they receive at the outset. They’re likely to be welcomed with open arms and treated to meetings with executives who explain the company’s mission, vision and goals; reinforce their value to the company; and introduce them to their respective departments to meet their managers and co-workers. Knowing where they fit in the organization and how they can contribute, these new employees are anxious and eager to get started.

This level of attention wanes the longer employees are on the job, and that’s when the potential for becoming disengaged sets in due to organizational complacency; i.e., “You know what you’re supposed to do, so do it. We’ll be in touch eventually.” To illustrate, I often ask participants in my internal marketing workshops how they get reminded of their fit and value in their respective organizations. Many of them acknowledge that their job descriptions are out of date. They also admit that job-related expectations and goals are typically discussed only during the annual performance review – an event about as welcome as a root canal.

More than organizational complacency

Another contributing factor involves marketplace dynamics. Evolving customer needs, competition, financial pressures, etc., also prompt changes in company goals and strategies. Yet revised strategies and adjusted expectations of employees may not be communicated top-down to everyone in the organization. Employees know things are changing within the company – but they don’t know the reasons for it and what they’re supposed to do about it.

To learn what’s going on in the company, some employees will take the initiative to approach their managers. Over time, however, they become frustrated if they have to continually seek out company and job-related information beyond the grapevine. Other employees just hunker down as they quietly disengage.

You can avoid this situation and keep employees engaged with this basic two-pronged approach:

  • proactively share what’s happening in the company and why
  • continually reinforce employees’ alignment and fit within the organization, including how their efforts individually and collectively contribute to the bottom line.

Onboarding new groups of employees may be once-and-done, but communicating the company’s purpose, its future, and how employees can make a positive impact, is ongoing.

“Don’t make your employees guess about whether they’re doing enough or fulfilling [the company’s] expectations… Make people feel like they are in the loop,  and they’ll feel more engaged… ”
– Alan E. Hall



“Maniacal Operations” and Other Sad but True Tales

When it comes to management and organizational dysfunction, there’s little that surprises me anymore.

  • Asking a colleague about work, I got this description of the company’s new president: “I know all about his first marriage, his second marriage, his grandchildren, etc., but he doesn’t know anything about me. He dominates executive meetings with his talking but checks his cell phone when others are speaking.”
  • A participant in one of my recent workshops asked the group for ideas on how to help communicate the company’s top 20 strategic goals to employees.
  • A client told me she’s concerned about her daughter approaching job burnout. While the young woman loves her work, she’s trying to survive what she describes as a stressful environment of “maniacal operations.”

In an “ideal” world …

There’s so such thing. Here are more true office tales that may leave you shaking your head:

In the real world …

I’ve learned it’s healthier not to expend precious energy getting upset about such examples. It’s better to turn to people like Scott Adams (Dilbert creator), E. L. Kersten (Despair, Inc. founder), and Robert I. Sutton (author of The Asshole Survival Guide and The No Asshole Rule), who provide comic relief and guidance to help us cope with “maniacal operations” and other types of workplace absurdity.


Engagement Training & Development

Can You Afford to Fuel Employee Burnout?

[Note: This post first appeared on myHR Blog and is shared with permission from Tina Hamilton, PHR, founder of myHRPartner, an HR outsourcing firm. Tina is a well-respected business professional who is frequently quoted in the national media on HR-related issues in the workplace, and I’m proud to know her as a colleague and friend. To learn more about her work, please visit myHRPartner.]

Is employee burnout hurting your bottom line? via myHR Blog

Just like a broken down car, a burned out workforce will not take your business where it needs to go. And as much as some people would like to paint employee burnout as completely based in personal issues, it is more often than not a sign of serious organizational problems within a company.

What’s more, employers who don’t recognize and correct the kinds of workplace problems that lead to burnout risk hurting their company’s bottom line. Things like very heavy workloads, feelings of job insecurity, frustrations with massive amounts of meetings and impossible deadlines fraught with roadblocks create a toxic workplace environment where employees feel frustrated and stressed out.

According to a recent Harvard Business Review article, employee burnout costs an estimated $125 billion to $190 billion in American healthcare spending on psychological and physical problems it causes each year. But the real cost to businesses can be far greater because of issues such as low productivity and high turnover rates as great employees leave toxic environments for greener pastures.

When Harvard Business Review looked inside companies with high burnout rates, they found these common problems:

We saw three common culprits: excessive collaboration, weak time management disciplines, and a tendency to overload the most capable with too much work. These forces not only rob employees of time to concentrate on completing complex tasks or for idea generation, they also crunch the downtime that is necessary for restoration.

Excessive collaboration may prevent progress

Poor time management practices and overloading top performers are issues that are fairly obvious causes of employee burnout. Excessive collaboration, on the other hand, may seem counter-intuitive on its face. The article explains that this situation arises when teams have too many decision makers and too many decision-making steps. “This can happen in companies that really do mean well,” says Tina Hamilton, PHR, myHR Partner president. Going overboard on collaboration often leads to a cycle of endless meetings, hordes of emails and scheduling nightmares—all without significantly moving a project forward. “Stress can lead to personality clashes and get in the way of pragmatic, timely decision making and progress. You can see how this can lead to burnout.”

This being said, collaboration itself—when done right—is often a great thing for work teams. Hamilton recommends having a clear strategy and sensible team organization before collaborative projects begin in order to decrease frustration and to keep things from getting bogged down with meetings, emails and red tape.

Other causes of employee burnout mentioned in the article include:

  • The new “always-on digital workplace”
  • Constant multitasking that leads to exhaustion and lack of focus on any one task
  • Rigid approaches to team objectives that do not allow for re-prioritizing when new tasks are added or outside situations change
  • Managers who do not know how much time employees spend on activities, meetings, etc.
  • Lack of tools and training for employees to handle tasks
  • A corporate culture in which overwork is expected or celebrated
  • A sense of lost autonomy among employees.

As we have blogged about in the past, the danger of overworking employees is real. They will feel disrespected or unappreciated, and they won’t stay—especially if they are talented. As an HR outsourcing company that often helps clients avoid expensive, time-sucking high employee turnover rates, we can tell you burnout will burn your company. It’s just a matter of time.

Customer service Engagement Training & Development

A Manager’s Guide on How to Cope When Team Efforts are Taken For Granted

I had an interesting discussion with a colleague who manages an internal service department for a medium-sized organization. She’s a supportive manager whose team takes pride in providing quality service to internal clients. However, she finds it a challenge to keep her employees at the top of their game when some internal clients are unappreciative of their efforts. Part of her dilemma is rooted in an organizational culture where administrative support is taken for granted.

She and her team acknowledge the situation and focus on how to work effectively within – and despite – the culture. She also encourages employees to rise to the challenge of working with unappreciative clients. Yet there are still occasions when team members find it hard to muster enthusiasm to serve such clients.

You can’t fake it and other important tips
How does she continue to motivate her team? She knows she can’t fake her own engagement, so she starts by staying positive. She also focuses on how she can best support her team and internal clients with the following actions:

  • Keep the “big picture” front and center by reminding employees how they support the department’s mission and contribute to the organization’s mission in the process.
  • Engage employees in sharing what works to keep them motivated, such as providing peer support and finding the humor in their experiences and ways to safely blow off steam. This is done regularly in staff meetings and when difficult situations arise.
  • Share and reinforce client service success stories with the manager’s boss as well as with the team itself.
  • Acknowledge those clients who are appreciative of staff efforts, while also diplomatically standing up for employees dealing with difficult clients.
  • Maintain a positive culture within the department that values both clients AND team members.
  • Continue to acknowledge and recognize employee efforts with little gifts, food, and ongoing professional development.

Just as importantly, she models and reinforces what Chip Bell describes in his new book, Kaleidoscope:

“We are what we serve to others. It is our signature that sums us up each time a customer is on the receiving end of our efforts. And your customers remember how you served long after they have forgotten what you served! How can you deliver service in a fashion that says, ‘This is me, and it is my very best gift to you?'”


How Will You Honor Your Employees on Recognition Day?

Recognizing and affirming employee value is critical to creating and sustaining employee engagement. And while workplace recognition should be a no-brainer, Gallup research found otherwise. According to Gallup practice manager Annamarie Mann and researcher Nate Dvorak, ” … only one in three U.S. workers strongly agree that they received recognition or praise for doing good work in the past seven days. At any given company, it’s not uncommon for employees to feel that their best efforts are routinely ignored. Further, employees who do not feel adequately recognized are twice as likely to say they’ll quit in the next year.”

For managers who need an extra push when it comes to recognition, get ready for national Recognition Day, Friday, March 3, 2017. This special holiday is observed annually on the first Friday in March that 1) serves as be a springboard for those starting to get serious about the importance of recognition, and 2) enables those who value recognition to do something extra for their employees.

Effective recognition is authentic and genuine — it doesn’t work if it’s forced. If you’re serious about recognizing your employees, have fun with it and know that it doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. Your can find many great ideas here to celebrate Recognition Day and throughout the year:

Creative Ideas Abound as Recognition Day 2017 Approaches

51 Employee Appreciation Day Ideas That Won’t Break The Bank

Validation isn’t a once-and-done effort. Everyone needs to know that our work matters … that we matter.  How will you recognize your employees this Recognition day to let them know that they matter?


What to Look for When Replacing a Manager

A colleague expressed frustration about a corporate search that took nearly a year to replace a department head. It takes time to bring in the right person, and urgency takes a back seat to finding the right fit.

The challenge, however, is getting through the process as employees cope with the “temporary” void feeling uncertain and even anxious about their manager’s replacement. Change can be scary given the unknown of the newcomer’s personality and agenda, particularly if the new manager comes from outside the organization.

That’s why it’s important to remember the words spoken by the wise knight in Indiana Jones’ The Last Crusade: “choose wisely.”

If you’re in a position to select a manager’s replacement, consider the type of engaging manager recommended by thought leader and academic Henry Mintzberg in his classic article “Managing Quietly.” He describes managers who:

  • Inspire rather than empower their people by creating a culture with “conditions that foster openness and release energy” so that “empowerment is taken for granted.”
  • Care for their organizations by spending more time “preventing problems than fixing them, because they know enough to know when and how to intervene.”
  • Infuse change so that it “seeps in slowly, steadily, profoundly” instead of dramatically so “everyone takes responsibility for making sure that serious changes take hold.”

For executives, search committees, and HR staff tasked with filling managers’ positions, you don’t want it said that you “chose poorly.”


Employee Engagement: When the Employee Just Doesn’t Feel It

Why is it that even in companies with a positive, engaged culture, there’s no guarantee all employees will be fully engaged?

The answer has to do with who’s ultimately responsible for employee engagement – a responsibility shared by employees and their employers.

  • Employers are responsible for creating and maintaining an engaging workplace where employees want to and are enabled do their best work.
  • Employees are equally responsible for their own engagement in that they need to show up on the job ready, willing, and able to do their best work.

So what happens when an employee doesn’t feel engaged in an engaging culture?

Barbara Berger, Career Wellness Partners
Barbara Berger, Career Wellness Partners

That’s what I asked Barbara Berger, hiring manager and certified career coach with Career Wellness Partners. Her mission is to expand the (often neglected) employee side of the employee engagement conversation by challenging individuals to take responsibility for their own motivation and career evolution. She has experience working with people in all stages of their careers: students, early professionals, mid-career job changes, and second acts.

According to Barbara, four primary situational factors contribute to employees no longer feeling engaged:

  • Poor job fit or career choice
  • Feeling they’ve outgrown their position within the company
  • Personal issues or life events, such as health or family crises, divorce, elder care responsibilities, etc.
  • Work is good, company is good, boss is intolerable.

QSM: What do you suggest to employees dealing with one or more of these situations?

Barbara: Speaking generally, regardless of the factor, an employee needs three things to return to engagement (or find engagement in the first place).

  1. Awareness – This means doing the self-assessment work to get to the root cause of the disconnect. This is the inward-facing, honest evaluation that begins to bring clarity to the situation. A hard look at strengths, skills, values, and interests, etc.
  2. Commitment – A commitment to doing whatever it takes to get back on the road to a connection with their career. It’s really a commitment to themselves that they won’t tolerate this level of disengagement and a promise to do their fair share of the work required to get it back on track.
  3. Action – Taking meaningful steps to create opportunities for change. Just thinking and complaining about the situation keeps employees in victim mode and on the sidelines rather than actively finding ways to inspire engagement for themselves.

QSM: In your experience, what else is involved in helping employees re-engage?

Barbara:  Each situational factor that impacts individual engagement brings its own considerations that are unique to the individual and his or her particular circumstances. When working with clients who fall into one of the above categories, there are things to take into consideration like:

  • The stage of career the employee is in
  • The level of commitment by the current company to fostering an atmosphere of engagement
  • The comfort level of having career development discussions with the boss (usually directly proportional to the company’s commitment cited above)
  • And, of course, the employee’s personal financial situation if considering making significant changes based on feeling disengaged.

It is when an employee is feeling disengaged that it can be most beneficial to take part in engagement opportunities the company provides. Even though it takes more energy at these times, I encourage disengaged clients to use everything available to create a spark of interest and create an atmosphere where transformational events can occur.

QSM: To learn more, please check out the Career Wellness Partners blogThank you, Barbara!




The Psychological Recession & Generational Engagement: Interview with Dr. Judith Bardwick

I don’t remember when I started reading (and frequently quoting) posts by Judith M. Bardwick, Ph.D., but I was hooked on her insight into employee and organizational development. A highly respected writer, consultant, and speaker, she is known for combining “cutting-edge psychological research with practical business applications to optimize organizational performance.”

I recently reached out to Dr. Bardwick and am honored to feature her here.

QSM: You wrote about the “psychological recession” nearly ten years ago to describe the work environment in your groundbreaking book, One Foot Out the Door: How to Combat the Psychological Recession That’s Alienating Employees and Hurting American BusinessWhat is the Psychological Recession, and why does it still matter? 

Judy: The Psychological Recession is a bleak feeling of vulnerability to bad forces that are too large for an individual to control or manage.  It can be triggered by individual events, i.e., losing your job, or huge events like the periodic recessions our economy falls into.  A Psychological Recession lasts much longer than the economic one because being/feeling depressed leads to greater feelings of being powerless and hapless.

A perfect example would be the endless reference to the Great Depression (and now the Great Recession) over several generations.  My grandparents raised it as a lesson for their children to be economically prudent and I was taught the same lesson by their children, who were my parents.  As a result, I pay bills quickly, never borrow money, and am never in debt.

One Foot Out the Door by Dr. Judy BardwickThe Psychological Recession matters a hell of a lot because the economy grows as a result of OPTIMISM and TRUST.  There is little or no trust of government or business in the face of a Psychological Recession and, equally powerful, there is PESSIMISM AND THEREFORE ECONOMIC CAUTION which means little or no investing because investing depends on being able to see the future in a positive light.

At the present time we have very large, very vulnerable groups of people including, especially, the long-term jobless or under-employed, recent college grads, uneducated low wage populations, and scariest of all, the previously successful middle class.

These phenomena were clearest first in developed economies and now include emerging economies.  At the present time, you can see the effects of expecting future blows and endless vulnerability world-wide in the general low levels of investment and the destructive growth of caution-creating bureaucratic regulations.

We need the bottle to be seen as half-FULL for nations to return to GDP growth levels of 3.5-4.00.

QSM: You’ve written extensively about optimizing organizational performance, advocating “the well being of employees has to be perceived not as a cost — but rather as an investment with a large pay-off.” Given little improvement in national studies on employee engagement, why are we making such little progress in increasing employee engagement? Also, what do you think is most important for the next generation of managers to know about building a workplace culture with employees based on trust, respect, and commitment?

Judy: I don’t see enough direct data to be certain of the answer but my sense of it is no employees are perceived as individuals and individuals want and need to be respected, included, and valued.

It’s my belief that most HR people and many executives define FAIRNESS as treating everyone identically.  When everyone gets the same benefits, same forms of recognition, same incentives … none of it has any value.  If someone believes they are making very significant contributions to the business of the business, and others make some contributions and some contribute nothing, and the organization does not differentiate between them, the result is resentment and anger followed by apathy.

You will notice that the actions are decided and directed by the employer with basically little or no input from the employee.  This is no way to make friends.

What people most want changes over a period of a decade or two depending on large part on the economy and the size of opportunity.  It was absolutely logical that the Great Generation, which experienced the Depression and WWII, greatest wish was for economic security, and the great companies gave employees security for life if they were loyal and stayed with the organization.  The next generation, the older boomers, took security for granted and most wanted opportunities to succeed, become autonomous and find meaning in their work.  Younger boomers looked for a balanced life as many parents were educated and women began to enter the professional labor force.

Following the Great Recession security reappears as hugely valuable.  There’s no surprise there.

There are other important motives at different times:  Before the Great Recession the Millennials wanted their coworkers to be their equals; they wanted their lifestyle to reflect their basic values so many businesses moved from an urban environment to a suburban or rural one.  They put flexibility high on their list because both parents were employed and their kids needed to be driven to school and other activities …

How do you know what’s most important to an INDIVIDUAL who also happens to be a member of a generation?  The fundamental answer you ask is, “What would make your life more satisfying or easier that we could help you with?”  That requires a trusting relationship between the questioner and the employee.

The question is open-ended. It provides no guidance or limit.  How could an organization handle an unlimited number of answers?  The answer is, if you think ABSTRACTLY, the number of things people most value will range from 1-3 in or following harder economic times and 3-6 when the economy is good and creating opportunities.  The vast majority of what people want most will fall into a limited number of categories.  Any organization can handle 6 kinds of categories.  And if someone asks for something impossible, say that and encourage an alternative.  And, the question might be posed every year or two because the answer can change.

For example, autonomy is highly desired when times are good.  What might that include?  How about having freedom about the time when you come to work and when you leave; having freedom to decide where you work or what you are working on; having time to create and initiate new projects; having freedom about the team you join or the members you invite to join the team you’re building.

Chapter 8 in my book, One Foot Out the Door, discusses CUSTOMIZATION at length.  But the take-home of this answer is while “WE” characterizes great teams and families, it is also necessary to recognize that there’s also always an “I” that needs to be recognized.  Customization is all about responding to “I”.  If an organization, or a family, or a group does that, Engagement and Commitment will soar.

QSM: As a business professional and academic, what do you think should be taught in schools – and in life – to prepare young people to be engaged and productive members in the workplace?

Judy:  I’ve been married twice.  My second husband was “a Mustang” in the military.  That means he started out as an 18 year old high school graduate who entered the Coast Guard as a black shoe sailor and rose to become a Captain (next rank is Admiral).  When we married he still had some of his high school books and I was amazed by their content.  He and the other students in his small, rural high school were required to think, comprehend, abstract, and write and talk at the college level.  And, in addition to the academic learning, they also mastered cooking and sewing, building and gardening, ethics and behavior.  When they graduated from high school they were ready to become responsible and independent adults.

What a difference a generation or two makes!

Young people today are generally vastly more skilled in using technology than their parents.  In that sense they’re sophisticated.  But personal development, taking on responsibility, being independent and inter-dependent is hit or miss.  They are very aware of what’s in and politically acceptable but they run in groups.  Real independence is as rare as divergent thinking.

Too many of our children and adolescents are much too coddled by parents and teachers.  They have too little freedom to explore and take risks and start developing confidence and resilience.  “Good” and “Bad” have lost their ethical power for behavioral guidance and have become too judgmental in this solely relative world of explanations and excuses.  “Selfies” are prized photographs because narcissism is endemic.  High School and College kids know nothing of America’s founding and its historic values.  Civics, Government, History and Geography are not addressed adequately or at all in many schools.  In general, there’s too little discipline imposed, much less self-developed, and there’s too much ignorance and lack of appreciation of what came before them.

In short, there’s not much perspective as a result of most contemporary education.

Most of what I’m talking about in terms of personal development is taught in places like Montessori schools and to some extent in charter schools.  But to a harrowing extent none of this is taught in most schools partly because the focus has shifted to national test scores.  While we certainly need all of our children to be able readers, writers and users of math, we also need them to grow up.  Much of that process now depends on parental models of behavior and rising expectations by parents of growing maturity, insight, autonomy, responsibility and empathy on the part of their children.

My brother and I grew up in a tiny village of 3 or 4 square blocks in New York City.  Most of the parents were immigrants, all of whom valued education as one of their highest priorities.  I don’t remember our parents helping us with our homework or supervising our play.  There were known rules and we pretty much obeyed them, and we certainly worked hard at meeting our parent’s unspoken expectations of behavior and achievement.  I don’t think we gave any of it much thought in the sense that our friend’s parents had the same rules and high expectations.  And in our little village, everyone knew everything about everyone.

Without the support of institutions like schools, churches, and neighborhoods where many people know each other and each other’s children, optimizing your child’s academic and personal development is an enormous burden on parents. Changing the circumstances of academic and personal learning will require a major shift in cultural values and priorities.  Unfortunately, but frequently, that kind of huge change needs things to get worse before there is any way they can get better.

QSM: Thank you, Judy!