That’s the question I’m left with after reading Toby Bloomberg’s recent posts: “Social Media’s Influence on Customer Service” followed by “Social Media’s Positive Influence on Customer Service.”
To whet your appetite – or if you’re pressed for time – here’s the story: dissatisfied consumer blogs about her poorly handled experience with Capital One. Fellow blogger and diva marketer (Toby) e-mails Capital One with a link to the blog post & suggests the company respond. Her posts also generate a number of comments and head-scratching about why more companies don’t respond to these types of posts. Either they’re not taking the impact of social media & “word-of-mouse” seriously … they don’t know how … or maybe they don’t care.
[Sidebar: I love Toby’s quote about conveying the message: “You matter. I hear you. I’m paying attention to you.” That’s the true essence of customer service and delight.]
I encourage you to read these thoughtful posts, and I also challenge you & your friends to respond to Toby’s request if you’ve ever posted a positive experience on your blog and received feedback from the company involved.
One reply on “Customer Service: Is Business Paying Attention?”
Sybil – Thanks for the shout out. As companies explore the business applications of social media “customer service” should be among the top of the list .. on a passive (monitoring consumer generated media) and active (commenting on blogs and use of blogs, podcasts and vlogs)basis.
Very savvy organizations will take the extra step to direct contact. The results can run from creating customer evangelists to understanding challenges your customers are experiencing. A win win for all!