A well-intentioned friend recently sent me one of those “chain” e-mails for women.
You know the kind with sometimes uplifting, usually schmaltzy content that asks you to forward the e-mail to all your friends. (Which I rarely, if ever, do.)
Part of this particular message, however, resonated with me. It said:
“Every woman should know where to go … be it her best friend’s kitchen table … or a charming inn in the woods … when her soul needs soothing.”
I do have a place nearby where I go when my soul & body need soothing, and I call it my happy place. It’s The Shoppes at Premise Maid, complete with ice-creamery, bakery, and chocolate shoppe – the ultimate triple header – and it’s open year round.
I go mostly for the cold “calcium” and to enjoy the wonderful, sweet aroma in the bakery and candy shop. I decompress just sitting outside (weather permitting) while I enjoy my coffee ice-cream and watch the giant inflatable pink flamingos sway gently in the summer breeze, listening to the music (mostly show tunes) piped outdoors, and watching other people enjoying the place.
It’s great that I found my “happy place” just a few miles away. Where’s yours?
2 replies on “Find Your Happy Place”
Absolutely, Toby, and it’ll be my treat!
Sounds like my kinda place. Will you share your happy place with me when I visit in October (smile)?