I’ve been trying to focus on the positive during the holidays despite constant media attention to the economic crisis. And I’ve found an upside to the down economy: we’re learning to live with less ‘stuff.’
To help us cope better with less, business & life coach Steve Davis advocates that instead of continually amassing more stuff, we learn how to better use what we really need.
According to Steve:
“Unconscious compulsions for “more input” seldom satisfy our true needs. Nor will having piles of unread books and magazines ringing our desks reduce the nagging sense that there is some piece of information that will really change everything for us.
Satisfaction comes from fully digesting and extracting the fine nutrients from what we already have, and making choices for new input based on our true values and passions, not our casual likes and vague interests.”
This is an excerpt from his excellent article, Assimilation vs. Accumulation – The practice of getting full nourishment from everything in your life. It’s worth reading to learn how we can better assimilate what’s important such as: relationships, customers, ideas, information, and experience. (Note: While written for an audience of facilitators, his message is applicable to everyone.)
Best wishes to all for a happy & safe holiday!
One reply on “Amass Less, Value More (A Lesson for the Holiday & Everyday)”
While we all “know” this we don’t necessarily believe it. These words help bring it home. Thanks for the timely message…….especially right before I hit the stores for my final shopping.