Engagement Marketing Musings

Warm & Fuzzy Marketing? Get Real!

Since this is my first post on the new Quality Service Marketing blog, I wanted to tell you about my concept of internal marketing.  It can best be summed up by this quote from hotelier J. W. Marriott: “Take care of your employees and they’ll take care of your customers.”

It’s a philosophy and corporate culture espoused by Marriott and many others (whom I’ll be citing over time in this blog). And it’s based on the premise that the way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel.

What’s amazing to me is the reaction I get from some executives when I talk about internal marketing. You can see their eyes glaze over as they say to themselves, “Here it comes, the old ‘warm & fuzzy’ stuff.”

On the contrary, it’s not ‘warm & fuzzy’ but crystal clear in that customer relations mirrors employee relations. Here’s the bottom line: if your employees don’t feel valued, neither will your customers!

Unfortunately, too many organizations claim employees as their number one asset, but don’t walk the talk. In this day and age where employees are expected to create a positive experience for customers and deliver on the brand promise, managers can no longer afford to pay lip service to employees. Employees can tell the difference and so can customers!

I’ll have more to share in future posts …

3 replies on “Warm & Fuzzy Marketing? Get Real!”

Your first post is right on target. You are singing to the choir, here!
Frankly, too many corporate managers still don’t get it concerning internal customers, and that stems from the top down.
Good Luck

Amen to these sentiments–both yours and Toby’s. I absolutely agree with your thoughts on internal marketing/employee relations. Buisness that is uncaring in thought or deed in either hemisphere (internal or external) comes off insincere when they advocate care or service in the other.
Welcome to blog-world, can’t wait to read more from you!

Sybil –
Welcome to the blogosphere! Looking forward to reading and learn more about internal marketing; with your experience and talent in the field, I have no doubt QSM will be a great blog!

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