Outdoor professional track cycling starts soon at the Lehigh Valley Velodrome, and I can’t wait!
I love watching bike racing … it’s a great sport but a lousy metaphor for management. Let me explain.
I once worked for a boss who had a bike racing poster in his office. Over time I realized this represented his management style: wheel spinning. He would give direction for a project, and once everything was put into place he would shift gears and change his mind.
So while the staff never seemed to have sufficient time or budget to do things right, we always had to find the time and money to do things over. What a frustrating waste of energy and resources!
When it comes to wheel spinning, I prefer mine at the Velodrome, thank you very much.
3 replies on “Down with Fast Track Management!”
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It’s definitely a management problem as I’ve seen this type of behavior in all sorts of managers. Actually, it’s probably more a style issue that creates headaches for those who work with these “wheel-spinners.”
I agree with you on this point.Some boss like to change their decision which cause a lot of waste.But this is a management problem, not a marketing prblem,right?or maybe this is a internal marketing problem?