Customer service Engagement

Employees & the Customer Experience: Employee Engagement Isn’t Enough

That’s the takeaway I got from D. Randall Brandt, VP of Customer Experience & Loyalty, Maritz Research in his presentation at AMA’s MPlanet

Now that I have your attention, let me put his message in context. Brandt was talking about employee engagement as a variable in research on the customer experience. Most firms measure engagement by asking “what’s it like to work here?” That’s important, but it’s not enough. What’s missing are questions about the employees’ customer orientation; i.e,, how they’re enabled or inhibited in providing service quality.

Effective measurement of the customer experience needs to consider both employee satisfaction AND the employees’ ability to deliver a positive customer experience via customer-focus, readiness & empowerment.

I’ll have more on Maritz’s latest research on employees & the customer experience in my next post.

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