Engagement Featured Post

Can You Achieve 100% Employee Engagement?

One of the best descriptions between employees who are engaged and those who are not comes from Blessing White:

” … engaged employees stay for what they give (they like their work) [whereas] disengaged employees stay for what they get (favorable job conditions, growth opportunities, job security).”

Given the choice, most companies would prefer their workforce be comprised of fully engaged employees. But is total engagement attainable or even realistic? According to employee engagement author and consultant Leigh Branham, not all employees choose to be engaged:

Most employees want to be engaged [while] other employees simply don’t view being engaged as a desirable, or even possible, personal goal. They see work as a necessary activity, but not as a source of fulfillment. Many have a strong work ethic, but are uninspired by their managers or their daily work environment, so they withhold much of their energy and effort.” 

Just because every employee isn’t interested in being engaged doesn’t mean management should give up on it or work harder to force it on employees. Neither scenario creates a positive work environment.

While 100% employee engagement may not be realistic, smart companies focus on what they can do to maximize engagement in their organizations – including hiring right from the outset, recognizing and reinforcing a positive work culture that values people (employees, customers, business partners, etc. ) as well as profit, and keeping it simple.

[Image courtesy of]


2 replies on “Can You Achieve 100% Employee Engagement?”

Sybil, what an interesting post! I am starting an employee survey for a client and this gives a new perspective on what the engagement questions should be, the response scales, how results should be interpreted and what goals the company should set. Thank you very much!

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