Engagement Marketing

Getting What Internal Marketing is All About

I’m fascinated by audience reactions when I introduce the concept of internal marketing in my marketing training workshops. (Compared with attendees of my internal marketing presentations, these workshop participants are unbiased in that they’re not expecting to hear about internal marketing as part of marketing training.)

Following a recent training session, one young woman approached me to tell me she really got what internal marketing is all about. She shared the following saying [source unknown] that she felt best summed up internal marketing’s empathetic approach to employee-customer care:

People will forget what you said.
People will forget what you did.
But they will never forget how you made them feel.


PS. If anyone knows the source of this quote, please share it with us.

3 replies on “Getting What Internal Marketing is All About”

Hello again Sybil…it’s been a while since we’ve spoken- I’m just catching up on your blog. Hope all is well with you. Our Marketing Team is planning it’s goals for 2008. Your thoughts are always a great starting point! Take care, Tesa
P.S. See below for the source of your quote- I used it recently in a presentation.
“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”Carl W. Buechner

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